Shu Kyi Ide, M.S., L.Ac.
Location: 1108 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Office: (215) 923-4340
Cell: (267) 844-2153
Email: wong@shukyiide.com
Open from 10:00am to 6:00pm; Wednesday through Sunday 开诊时间周三至周日10:00m - 6:00pm
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been used in China as a primary health care system for over thousands of years. It is the insertion of a fine needle at specific points in the body, points which are located on meridian lines (energy lines). When a needle is inserted, it stimulates the area such that the energy becomes balanced again.
People tend to have unbalanced energy (Qi) in different parts of the body, and this produces pathological conditions. For example, if the left side of the body has excessive Qi whereas the right side is deficient, that means the body has a blockage on one side. This blockage can cause pain, stiffness, numbness, and so on. Acupuncture helps to move the Qi and remove the blockage.
What kinds of health problems can acupuncture treat?
Here are some examples from the World Health Organization:
1. Nervous system and muscular diseases:
Facial paralysis, limbs that feel cold, numbness, shoulder stiffness (frozen shoulder), lower back pain, joint pain, sciatica nerve pain, post stroke symptoms, pain from falls, sprains and strains.
2. Digestive system disorders:
Chronic duodenal disorder, stomach fullness after eating, hiccups, stomach inflammation, constipation, diarrhea, and dysentery caused by certain bacteria.
3. Ear, eye, nose and throat problems:
Earache, nasal problems, sinus inflammation, sore throat, toothache, seasonal allergies, poor vision in children, conjunctivitis and retinal inflammation.
4. Respiratory disorders:
Simple asthma and chronic cough in adults and children.
5. Gynaecological and sexual disorders.
Acupuncture can also help with, men’s and women’s health, infertility, and pre and postmenopausal symptoms.
What problems acupuncture can treat (Chinese)
How we do it
Usually the treatment requires more than one appointment. The acupuncturist will explain the nature of the blockage and how she/he can help you. The acupuncturist will also explain the benefits and risks in your case.
About Us
Shu Kyi Ide, also known as Xiao Huang or Wong, was a student of the late acupuncturist Chun Lang Su at Oriental Treatment Center in Philadelphia. Shu Kyi Ide studied traditional Chinese medicine with Dr. Su from 1997 until Dr. Su’s tragic death in 2009.
Initially, Shu Kyi Ide studied with and assisted Dr. Su six days a week for several years. Later, after she entered Community College of Philadelphia and then attended New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she devoted one or two days a week, except when preparing for exams, to study with Dr. Su.
Shu Kyi Ide completed her Master of Science degree for acupuncture in December, 2011. She is licensed to practice acupuncture in Pennsylvania.
During her time with Dr. Su, Shu Kyi Ide observed Dr. Su use a variety of acupuncture techniques to successfully treat many different conditions. In addition to the acupuncture treatment techniques that Shu Kyi Ide learned at New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she also relies on her study with Dr. Su when treating her own patients.
Wong Acupuncture Center
1108 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Office: (215) 923-4340
Cell: (267) 844-2153
Office Time
Days: Wednesday through Sunday
Time: 10:00am to 6:00pm
周三至周日10:00m - 6:00pm